Monogram Foundation

17.09.2014, Cooperation projects / Visual Arts
Reply by Wednesday, October 1 2014
Monogram Foundation / Moebius Art School from Hungary are looking for partners to join a project in the field of visual arts. They are looking for partners primarily like NGO’s, civil societies, art schools/associations, galleries etc. The project proposal will be submitted within Culture sub-programme call for proposals with a deadline on 1st of October 2014.

Moebius Art School is looking for partners to realize a unique workshop-exchange program and „experience- recycling” with cultural/educational/art organisations of other EU countries.

Moebius Art School from Budapest is an independent art school providing art courses during the academic year, preparing teenagers, partially of disadvantaged background, for entrance exams for several art academies, or simply teaching them techniques and methods to express themselves through visual arts. In summer and winter holidays the school organises creative workshops for small groups. The teachers in the school (currently 4) are practicing artists from the fields of painting and digital media.

More in the appendix >>> MonogramFoundation-HU.pdf

Contact details:
Moebius Art School
Korodi Luca
T: +36 20 9225089