Molise Cultura

14.07.2011, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Saturday, October 1 2011
Musical project

Molise Culture, the association which manages all main cultural events in the region and beyond, is preparing a project proposal under the Culture Programme – strand 1.2.1. Their aim is to set up a small opera orchestra (around 18-20 musicians) through the involvement of musicians from the partners countries. Forseen activities are: rehearsal sessions, thematic seminars, concerts and final events and local events in partner countires.
They are looking for partners from the field of music (conservatories, musical universities, cultural associations with a strong interest in opera or classical music).

More information: Molise Cultura

Kontakt: Mauro Calise (EU policy expert)
Molise Region
External relations (R.I.R.E.E.)
T: +39 0874 314347