MATEHETSZ (Association of Hungarian Talent Support Organizations), Hungary

24.08.2016, European Platforms / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2016


The Association of Hungarian Talent Support Organizations (MATE-HETSZ – an acronym from the Hungarian name) is a non-profit umbrella organization that legally represents its members and the National Talent Support Council. It contributes to the unfolding and utilisation of talent through identification, selection and development of the talented youth. It manages the priority project called National Talent Point, the European Talent Centre Budapest, was the administrator of the 3 year long Hun-garian Genius Programme that aimed at developing a nation-wide cooper-ation network of talent support organizations.


European Talent Centre Budapest in collaboration with 10 partner or-ganizations intends to set up an international platform for Emerging Artistic Talents with the help of Creative Europe grant. Possible partners can be educational institutes and other organizations from the creative sector including art institutes, universities, NGOs and foundations. The objectives of the above mentioned platform are to foster the develop-ment of emerging talent and stimulate the transnational mobility of cultural and creative players and circulation of works. Another aim is to help increase recognition and visibility of cultural and creative artists and cre-ators. To achieve its objectives we have to work out a chain of joint ac-tivities with the contribution of those artists and creators, which would be realized after a successful application.


T: +36-1-799-7970, M: +36 20 329 3100

Please find more about the project in the appendix.