Maia Interactive

14.09.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Monday, October 15 2007
- third country projectThis cultural cooperation proposal is initiated by an Indian classical dance organisation, based in Bordeaux, France, with ties in India.

The project, as it stands at the moment, involves:
– producing a video,
– organising meetings between Indian and European dancers,
– producing an interactive title.

The French cultural NGO initiating this project would be happy to discuss the project further. They are looking for partners among cultural organisations in the field of dance, primarily in the UK, Germany, Belgium and Spain.

Maia Interactive: “It is hoped that each of the partner organisations will send a dancer, who usually does solo performances, to participate in the meetings. S/he should not have any experience of Indian classical dance. The partners will participate in the production of the video and the interactive title, particularly their translations. They may be required to contribute to the funding, if necessary.”

Contact: Girish Muzumdar
Maia Interactive
30, rue de la République, F-33150 CENON, France
T: +33 (0)5 56 40 83 73, M : +33 (0)6 07 71 32 04, F : +33 (0)5 56 40 80 92