M.D. Theatre Company

11.07.2011, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2011
Project: Escape from my country, escape trough the artsWORLD-CEF, a Greek cultural management organization, is looking for partners on behalf of M.D. Theatre Company.

From ancient times until today, immigrants of any kind have been the first people to be involved in a cultural mobility process, in which different nations, languages, religions, customs may co-exist either in harmony or in an eternal battle. The project ‘Escape from my country, escape through the arts’ focuses on those people, who leave their homelands hoping to find a new home that will embrace them, carrying their roots within them. Using the arts as the basis of cultural interconnection and exchange, as tools for a gentler and more sensitive world towards differences, Greek coordinator M.D. Theatre Company invites European cultural companies / organisations to participate in this project.

Joint project activities will/may include:
artistic and social science workshops, seminars on inter-culturalism and multi-culturalism, a symposium, a visual arts exhibition on transitions etc., a theatre performance exploring migration within generations involving dance, visual/multimedia set designed for the theatre performance, original music composed for the theatre performance etc.

Kontakt: Mrs. Evi Sfikaki
WORLD-CEF Cultural Management
T: 00306972837020, E: evi@worldcef.eu