”Lucian Blaga” University Library of Sibiu, Romania

16.08.2017, Cooperation projects (small) / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Monday, September 25 2017


Established in 1969, as the Higher Education Institute Library, subordinated to the ”Babeș–Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, they became a University Library in 1990. Enriched yearly by aquisitions, exchanges and donations from the cultural institutions as well as from private individuals, the University Library became the ”Lucian Blaga” University Library of Sibiu. They have rich experience and competence in international collaboration and projects, as well as in carrying out domestic projects (See the list in the appendix).


They would like to be partners in a smaller-scale cooperation project. They are particularly interested in projects dealing with photography (its social and cultural history from the 1840s to 1918). More about the context in the appendix.


– Constantin Ittu,  Researcher, E: constantinittu@yahoo.co.uk 
– Elena Marginean, Head of the Collection Development Department, E: elenamarginean@yahoo.com