Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal

15.11.2019, Cooperation projects / Multimedia and New Technologies
Reply by Friday, November 22 2019
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo is looking for partners (museums, higher education entities and public institutions), esp. from Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Croatia and Bulgaria. Their project proposal aims to contribute to the development and accessibility improvement to culture and arts for European children with new media to be implemented in cultural spaces.


The Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute (IPVC) was founded in 1980. Is a regional institution, whose aims are a qualified human, cultural, scientific, technical and professional training, to carry out necessary research to accomplish its mission and to cooperate with the regional community of Alto-Minho.
The IPVC is a community of students and qualified professionals, located in the northwest of Portugal, aware that the progress of society ensures the harmonious development of persons and their performance. Joined together in the same mission: to create, manage and disseminate knowledge and culture, through processes of education/learning, research, transfer of technology and knowledge.
The IPVC has implemented its existence on the regional, national and international levels. The evolution of this process is based, on two fronts: firstly through the continuous search for quality of training and, secondly, into its involvement in projects in several areas as a tool for building links with the natural partners and other national and international institutions

Project: C2C : Culture to Children

The project C2C: Culture to Children aims to contribute to the development and accessibility improvement to culture and arts for European children through the use of new media to be implemented in cultural spaces. The history and common values of countries with Romanesque influence are the starting point of this project in order to contribute to a connection reinforcement of the European identity across young public.
C2C will develop cultural multimedia content for children based in the inputs of several experts. This content will be implemented in cultural spaces to boost the attractiveness and easiness to understand of culture for the little ones.
At the same time, activities related to the creation and promotion of multimedia games and international competition are foreseen. These activities will promote participants’ understanding of country histories and relationships among their communities.
The central objective is to be able to promote within the new generations a European and supranational identity.

They are looking for cultural entities as museums, higher education entities and public institutions from regions with cultural heritage of the Roman presence in Europe that share the goal of making culture and history more appealing to new generations through their fusion with new technologies, namely multimedia solutions.

Pedro Faria, project’s coordenador (
Bruna Parente, project consultant (