Industrial Foundation, Poland

24.08.2016, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2016


Industrial Foundation is a think tank, which was set up in 2007 in Poland. Our mission is to promote an open society, liberal economic ideas and liberal culture. We publish an expert, social-political magazine Liberté! as well as we run cultural center in the city of Lodz “6 Dzielnica” (6th District). It is a place of civic debates, conferences, artistic events, exhibitions and concertes.


Design Your Summer – Summer of Design

Their main goal is to bring closer to the Polish audience the richness of European modern art and design as well as presenting regional craft from UE countries reflected more and more often in the works of contemporary artists. Therefore, they are looking forward to be able to cooperate with the representatives of the world of craft, design and art from the European Union strengthening regional identity, getting to know each other better, working together and learning one from the other. They believe that their common heritage will work as a platform in order to both enrich our cultural diversity and will lead to establishing common cultural productions in the future.


Contact: Magdalena Melnyk
Piotrkowska Street 102, 90-004 Lodz, Poland
T: +48 660 763 024

Please find more about the project in the appendix.