Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre

5.08.2011, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2011
Project: FESTIVAL "FOLLOWING I.B. SINGER'S TRACES"They are looking for partners (cultural organizations) who would like to organize with The "Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre the second edition of international Festival "Following I.B. Singer's traces.

The “Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre is a municipal cultural institution engaged in fostering an awareness of European rich multicultural history and at developing a deeper sense of local identity and tolerance for other cultures.

Festival “Following I.B. Singer’s traces” is a journey of multinational volunteers following the footpaths of Isaac Bashevis Singer’s short stories set in towns and villages of the Lublin region.

Lublin and the Lublin region were favourite settings for stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer, the Literature Nobel Prize Winner. He was an unique writer, whose works made the region famous world-wide.

How did the world depicted by the author really look like? What is it like today and what do its contemporary inhabitants know about it? These questions made us undertake a unique journey – following the traces of I. B. Singer.

In 2011 international artists and volunteers from Poland, Israel, Serbia, Spain, France, Ukraine arrived to 4 towns. Next year we want to visit another towns and together with youngsters and local communities, conduct cultural activities and animate the given space, creating unique programme drawing from tradition, culture and history.

More about the project:

Kontakt: Aleksandra Duź
Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre, E:, W: