Greek & Foreign Creators, Greece

20.06.2019, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Monday, September 30 2019
Greek & Foreign Creators would like to be a partner in a festival and collaborate with organizations, which have past experience in co-hosting international cultural festivals and are able to sustain this type of projects.


Greek & Foreign Creators (GFC) is a non-profit organization that was established in 2016 and has carried out several art exhibitions and charity events with the participation of artists from all over Greece. Furthermore, GFC organization promotes the motto: ‘Art unites’. MegArt Gallery is the place where all our events take place and was established in January 2018 by Greek & Foreign Creators (GFC) serving as a new meeting point for culture in Athens. Its ambition is to provide the audience with major cultural events and develop a space for artistic growth. Providing a space of 200 sqm artists have the opportunity to exhibit their artworks and their artistic vision. Some of our activities include: group or individual art exhibitions, books presentation, charity events, workshops, seminars and lectures.


We intend to organize a polymorphic festival in a touristic island of Greece. Our aim is to showcase all types of artistic creation and promote intercultural dialogue and exchange. We are interested in hosting art and photo exhibitions, installations, theatrical and music performances. Part of our plan is to organize an artistic workshop, where the guests of the festival are going to be acquainted with a unique Greek traditional method of painting.

Contact: Maria Kalaridi (, Dimosthenis Pagoulatos
T: +30 6907922934, +30 211 1821187, +30 6983441715