“George Ciprian” Theatre Buzău, Romania

17.03.2016, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Friday, April 1 2016


The “George Ciprian” Theatre Buzău is one of the leading state-funded project theatres and festival venues in Romania. It is funded by the local council of the Buzău County. It is also a member of the NETA European platform: .
Cultural Association “7” is an NGO functioning as a private theatre in Bucharest. We aim to create performances inspired by issues that are relevant to contemporary society and to promote emergent artists. We have created one-on-one telematic performances for audiences in Bucharest and London, connecting participants with performers from USA, Australia and Europe.
UCAM is a private university with 18 years of history and more than 15.000 students that offers 24 prominent European official graduations, 35 Master programs, 17 PhD programs and other prestigious titles. Its teaching method is based on a personalized attention with reduced students per classes and a personal tutor for each student. UCAM also offers a modern system of distance teaching.


Telematic performance involves the use of real-time video-conferencing (e.g. Skype) and has the potential to connect different spaces across the world.

1) We aim to develop the genre of telematic participatory performance, contributing to research in the field of both participatory performance and digital art.
2) We wish to explore the dynamic of relationships between family members brought apart by distance, with all their factors of influence.
3) We wish to facilitate the audience’s engagement in the performance by means of participatory strategies, in order to increase the project’s impact and to diversify our audience.
4) We aim to create a European network of practitioners (both emergent and established) interested in telematic participatory performance who could continue to collaborate after the end of this project (they can be not only artists, but also engineers or IT experts who are interested in exploring telematics in the arts).

Please find more about the project in the appendix.