Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia, Italy

25.05.2017, Cooperation projects (large) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Friday, September 1 2017


The Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia Foundation is a private no profit institution that pursue the solescope of social utility and promotion of economic and cultural development in the Province of Pistoia(Tuscany). It has been established in 1992 as a spin off from the Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia aimedto separate the original philanthropic activities of such institution from the banking business.

Project “Once upon a time, there will be…”

“Once upon a time, there will be…” is a large-scale cooperation project in the performing arts sector that intends to produce new artistic works thanks to the strong interaction between artists and citizens, second and third generations of immigrants, across cities and countries.
“Once upon a time, there will be…” intends to create a dialogue within the city (and therefore among communities living there, that often have not meaningful contacts between them) and, thereafter, a cooperation between cities of Europe using an interdisciplinary process that allows the creation of the new tales.

More about the project here.

They would like to cooperate with theatre, music, dance producers and performers, interdisciplinary cultural centers, universities, interested in investigating the changes occurring in our society and in European cities (focusing in particular on the relationship between old and new citizens) and in producing new works involving experiences and stories of non professionals.

Giuliana Ciancio, E:
Giovanna Crisafulli, E: