F.M.C of the Valladolid City Council

11.02.2010, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Visual Arts
Reply by Friday, October 1 2010
Project: CreArt - Network of Cities for Artistic Creation

The Valladolid City Council, through The Municipal Foundation for Culture (F.M.C.), is planning to present an ambitious cooperation project to the “Culture Programme (2007-2013)”.

The cultural project called CreArt is based on the creation of a network of at least six European cities from different countries. Taking advantage of the experience of local support of new artistic values and new artistic expressions, this project will facilitate the promotion of artworks and artists of different traditions at a European level through –at least– an exhibition programme which will travel to the different cities participating in the programme, with artworks by selected artists.

As proponent body, the F.M.C of the Valladolid City Council will act as coordinator and is currently searching for co-organizing institutions or associates.

The needed requirements for possible co-organizing associates are: Institutions –preferably public- located and active in medium-sized urban environments (150,000/500,000 h.) in countries eligible to the Culture Programme, and which have the experience and desire to participate in a European network for the exchange of experiences in the promotion of local artists.

More information: http://www.creart-eu.org/

Contact: Juan González-Posada
Director of the Museums and Exhibitions Department Municipal Foundation for Culture ( F.M.C.)
C/ Trrecilla 5
47003 Valladolid (España)
E: exposiciones@fmcva.org , T:00 34 983 426 203