EON Foundation

29.07.2010, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Friday, October 1 2010
Project: Perpetuum Energiae (PE)

EON Foundation from Slovekia is looking for partners from the following fields:
1. science, technology and education
2. visual and performance arts
3. architecture and design

The goal of the Project Perpetuum Energiae is to establish a „smart grid“ of international subjects and individuals involved in a cultural dialog within a broad array of inter-connected and mutually interdependent scientific, technical and social activities. They are planning to apply for funding under strand 1.2.1 of Culture programme.

EON Foundation was established in October of 2008 by Zapadoslovenska energetika, a.s., (electricity distribution company, member of German-based energy multinational E.ON, AG Dusseldorf).  Its key mission is to introduce the youth to the world of energy, its perpetual motion and metamorphosis of its various kinds into a new, sought-after product of (im-)material nature. In this context we seek to establish a  network of partnership organizations, which would enable an exchange of experience with creative energy in culture and education in the broadest sense of its various forms and expressions.

Project proposal in the appendix.

EON Foundation, Culenova 6, 816 47 Bratislava, Slovakia
Ján Orlovský, E: jan.orlovsky@zse.sk, M: +421 907 718 110; W: www.zse.sk
Zuzana Zacahrová, E: zacharova@designfactory.sk, W: www.designfactory.sk