Development Agency of Bunol

8.03.2010, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Saturday, October 2 2010
Project from the field of Performing Arts

The Local Development Agency of Buñol (Valencia) is planning to submit a Culture Multi Annual Cooperation project (deadline: 1st October 2010) and is looking forward to getting in touch with European schools/associations/organizations related to PERFORMING ARTS.
The project is envisaged to cover as many performing arts as the countries taking part in it, bringing together the skills and contributions of each partner in a final performance.
From its end, the Spanish part would be in charge of MUSIC: music students aged 12-18 from three music schools will compose the music for the final performance.
Students from other countries will be responsible for the other performing arts involved (dance, choirs, lights, theatre, stage decoration, etc…).

Contact: Carmen Ortuño Buñol Industrial, S.A.
Avenida Blasco Ibañez, 87
46360 BUÑOL
T: 00 34 96 250 30 59