Département of Seine-et-Marne, France

25.04.2017, Cooperation projects (large) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Sunday, October 1 2017


The French County Council (Conseil Départemental) of Seine-et-Marne is a French public institution with competences in the fields of solidarity (social capacity), transport, roadway, education (secondary school), culture, heritage, tourism, etc.

Owner of the fortified Castle of Blandy-les-Tours, a medieval castle built between the 11th and 15th centuries, the institution is setting up a cultural, heritage and tourism development strategy including its monument and engaging its territory.

Project Living Lab 

Within the context of the European Heritage Year, the project aims at creating « Living Labs » whose mission is to rethink part or all of a historic monument or European museum’s tour circuits, in order to make them more accessible to all publics.

A citizen-based method, these « Living Labs » will include public and private stakeholders as well as individuals within a collaborative process, and should include users early in the process.
Based on a cooperation principle, experience sharing and exchanging, these « Living Labs » will bring together into groups all actors of a production chain in order to think and implement the project on each site.

We are looking for the following two types of partners:
1- Sites (monuments or museums), from medieval times or not, which share the same underlying concerns and could possibly host a « Living Lab » to respond to their own issues of evolutions of uses and connection with the territory.
2- Universities, schools, private companies (start-ups in particular) that may be interested in such cooperation. They should be specialised in the following areas (non-exhaustive list): public approach, mediation, museography, innovative technologies, computer coding, storytelling, territorial marketing, tourism (e.g tour operator), study of uses, sociology-ethnology, history, archaeology.

More about the project here.

Project manager: Vincent DUMAS, director of the Castle of Blandy-les-Tours, vincent.dumas@departement77.fr

European Fund Project manager: Nicolas BEUQUE nicolas.beuque@departement77.fr