David Oistrakh Festival

20.03.2014, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, October 1 2014
David Oistrakh Festival from Estonia is looking for partners who are interested in organising international concerts about the sacral music with spiritual values from the Baltic States and other European countries, and also to offer new music and musicians form their country in the field of sacral music.

David Oistrakh Festival is the oldest festival in Estonia. It began in 1970 with the 200th birth anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven. Since 1997 the festival carries the name of world’s outstanding musician David Oistrakh who spent his summer vacations in Estonia almost 20 years. The festival has been the lead partner in 6 EU projects. Now David Oistrakh Festival is preparing a project with partners from Latvia and Lithuania. The aim of the project is to introduce modern classical sacral music, both instrumental and vocal, and also to introduce old national traditions.

Contact details:
Allar Kaasik, e: allar.kaasik@gmail.com
M: +372 5115172, w: http://www.oistfest.ee/index.php?id=133