
21.02.2014, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, March 19 2014
Dantzaz is looking for partners to cooperate in projects under calls “Cooperation Projects” (EAC/S16/2013; deadline: 5th March 2014) and/or “European platforms” (EAC/S17/2013; deadline: 19th March 2014).

Dantzaz is a platform for young professionals in the world of dance, centered in Basque Country and encompassing Europe; bringing together dancers from all corners of the world to offer them: permanent training and daily coaching, in order to prepare them for their future professional work in the performing arts. Our idea is to lead a project under Creative Europe Programme Calls.

More in the appendix >>> Dantzaz.pdf

Contact details:
Elkartea Kristobaldegi, 14, E-20014 Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain)
T: +34 943 470021, +34 629 889826
e: orok@dantzaz.net, w: www.dantzaz.net