Dancing club “Elefthere”

8.09.2009, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Thursday, October 1 2009
Project: European Folkloric Festival

Dancing club “Elefthere” is looking for partners to take part in a two year project as a co-organizer. They are looking for organizations from the filed of folklore. They would like to organize folkloric Festival (folk dancing, cultural heritage..).
Project would increase the awareness of the European common cultural heritage and create non- commercial cultural exchanges.
They want to submit the project under the Culture Programme, Strand 1.2.1 (deadline: 1st October 2009).

More about the project in the appendix.

Contact: Giorgos Mavromatis,
Dancing club “Elefthere”, T: 0035799312302, E: giorgosmavromatis@ymail.com