Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

21.10.2019, Cooperation projects / Visual Arts
Reply by Wednesday, November 20 2019
Library & Service of Information, Digitization and Archive Management of the Cyprus University of Technology is interested in collaborating mostly with partners from countries with high refugees acceptance rates since they want to study how children express their experiences as refugees through art.


Cyprus University of Technology was established in 2004. It offers undergraduate and post graduate degrees. Its mission is to provide high-quality education and high-level training and to promote lifelong learning with modern pedagogical methods and to produce and disseminate scientific knowledge through research and teaching.


According to UNESCO, education could and must play an important role in the sensitization of the refugee problem. Art is an essential part of education and children express their feeling and what they experienced through their artworks.
The project aims to study the contemporary events of war and refugee as visually expressed in children’s artworks. A multidisciplinary analysis approach in the collection of the children’s artworks on war and refugee issues can help to understand how these children experienced these circumstances and represent it through their artworks. Moreover, modern technology can help to analyse these works in addition to these, modern technology can assist to create educational material that will increase awareness of people what the refugees experienced and help so to reduce racism and people accept refugees as part of the society.

They would like to cooperate with museums, universities, research centers, NGO interested on this thematic (focusing on art and cultural education) from preferably Spain, Portugal, Germany, France, Finland, Italy, Malta, Greece, Serbia, Croatian, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia, Iceland, Norway, Kosovo, Austria.

Fields: Cultural heritage/ Modern technology / refugee and Immigrants of children.

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