Croatian cluster of competitiveness of creative and cultural industries, Croatia

6.07.2017, Cooperation projects (small) / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Sunday, October 1 2017


Croatian cluster of competitiveness of creative and cultural industries is a national association (founded in 2013.) with more than a hundred memebers (companies, institutions, NGO’s) from private, public, civil and science and research sectors, and 12 sectors of creative and cultural industries. Our strategic goals are:
1.Provide stronger support for research and development activities, innovation, experimentation and entrepreneurship in the creative and cultural industries
2.Improving access to finance
3.Human Resource Development
4.Strengthening the institutional and infrastructural support in the development of creative and cultural industries
5.Accelerate the spill-over effects of creative and cultural industries to other industries and society at large

Project in the field of CCI, tangible culture – historical sites and buildings and intangible culture

The drop in shopping activity in city centers is steadily increasing, leaving empty spaces, accompanied by signs of economic and social turmoil (reduced household consumption, families leaving urban centers, reducing the number of companies in the retail sector, progressive reduction and degradation of communal services, the development of insecurity and fear of Crime, illegal occupation of public space, etc.).
The goal of the project is to connect towns with historic city centres that have been exposed to these processes and do not have big tourist attractions, to together develop strategies of urban revitalization for these parts of the historic city centres, with focus on developing new innovative bussines models for CCI sector as a new driver of urban development and developing and engaging new audiences-local rezidents and tourists.
Working together will allow for exchange of good practices and mutual learning between partners, as well as exchange of artists and content producers. Developing strategies that align will allow for mobility of CCI professionals to work transnationaly without the need to adapt to different bussines models.

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