
20.03.2014, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 1 2014
We’re looking for European partners interested to cooperate in the field of art and culture with a focus on contemporary art, education, performing art and music. Through international exchange and cooperation the projects will contribute to create a more equal and interesting art scene in Europe.

Objectives of our possible projects:
• Cultural exchange, broaden the participants’ horizon.
• Mutual learning, exchange of experiences.
• Create a more equal art scene within Europe.
• Promote young artists, circulation of their works.
• Improve future artists’ international network and hence career opportunities.
• Development and sharing of best practices in art education methodologies, in particular for youth, to promote access and knowledge of contemporary art.
• Audience-development within the field of visual, performing arts and music.
• Exchange and knowledge transfer with institutions with new or different methods in art education.

More in the appendix >>> CPMistanbul.pdf

Contact details:
Ms Burcu Dagurkuden, Project Manager, e: burcu@cpmistanbul.com, M: +905330374528
Mr Cem Gork, CEO, e:cem@cpmistanbul.com, M: +905324564468
w: www.cpmistanbul.com