Compagnie Théâtre du Prisme, France

19.05.2016, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2016


Arnaud Anckaert and Capucine Lange created the compagnie Théâtre du Prisme in 1998. The company is based in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, France.
They find out new Anglo-Saxon authors. They first translated and created in France Orphans, by Dennis Kelly, Constellations, by Nick Payne, and Revolt. She said. Revolt again, by Alice Birch.
The writings engaged with the world today are at the core of Prise Directe. It is a reading and mixed forms between documentary and conference festival. Its great success has been confirmed by the second edition in 2015.
Since 2014, the company is a partner of la Comédie de Béthune Centre Dramatique National Nord-Pas de Calais.


Contact: Capucine Lange, codirectrice
T: 033 6 20 60 67 96


European workshop of authors

Project is part of our festival Prise Directe. It is a new play reading and mixed form between performance, conference and documentary play festival.
They wish to reflect on a theme that runs through all of Europe: borders, meeting and confrontation of populations. This theme is shown through refugees movements. The theme “rebuild the world” has brought out as the object of investigation.

The idea is to give a unique and new space to a group for two years. A committee composed by 4 or 5 authors, 4 or 5 translators and 4 or 5 directors from 4 or 5 nationalities will meet to work in each of the 4 or 5 countries during these years. This workshop is marked by several appointments:

1. Festival Prise Directe 2017: First meeting. Each author brought a “sample text”. It is the basic material from which the authors will meet throughout the two years. It is a time for a public presentation of the project, meeting and public reading of these texts.
2. The committee meets in each of the different countries, for workshops. Each workshop is closed by a public event. The format emerges during each meeting.
3. Prise Directe 2019 : Rendition on stage. Stage reading of the texts written during these years, public and professional event : assessment, conclusion, meeting.
4. Project to create a theater show.

The idea is to open the issue of migrants, to reflect on the work related to the camps of migrants, to wonder about how to work with refugees, to link the project with the reality of camps and migrant populations:

– How to find a dialogue between the field and writing
– How to confront the reality of a theme
– How to meet refugees with writing

The place of the contemporary author who writes from the real life is important. It is between the politics (a position statement on a contextualized reality)  and artistic (the necessary distance for production of written material)

The confrontation of different realities in each country will allow a new resonance to this theme and sub-themes that emerge from. It will allow a uninsulated highlighting, but taken as a whole composed by particularities. It is a laboratory for the study and analysis of a reality that runs through all of Europe: the borders.

The authors we choose will already be registered and identified in this approach, namely that of writing from the real, from observation of it as a writing material on one hand, and sensitive to the theme on the other hand.

Please find more about the project in the appendix.