Centro Diego Fabbri, Italy

10.02.2020, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Saturday, February 29 2020
Centro Diego Fabbri is looking for potential partners from the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia) interested in a large-scale project on the Western Balkans Creative Europe call.


Centro Diego Fabbri is a cultural association located in Forlì (Italy) that works in strong cooperation with the Theatre “Diego Fabbri” of the City of Forlì and is responsible for managing both the theatrical and promotional aspects of the Theatre. Its mission is to promote theatre and theatrical performancesboth at a national and transnational level, fostering synergies with different stakeholders, initiatives with primary and high schools, local, promotion of young playwrights, cooperationwith local public authorities for the promotion of cultural activities.


The focus of the project will be the capacity building and the transfer of the Italian good practice “Teatro e salute mentale”, implemented in Emilia Romagna region since 2016 and involving the Regional Authorities, Local Health Institutions, Theatre Managers and Actors/Performers. Patients of the Local Health Institutions have been trained and supported in forming their own Theatrical Companies, and many of them gradually perfected their technical skills and are now in the billboard of many local theatres.
