Caravaggio Foundation

19.08.2011, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Saturday, October 1 2011
Project: Art on run

The project – to be submitted under strand 1.2.1 -, is a multidisciplinary exploration of the art and life of Caravaggio and is led by the Caravaggio Foundation (MT), with Architecture Project (MT) and RAAK (UK) as co-organisers.

They are looking for additional partners. More about the project in the appendix >>>

Since its inception in 2004, The Caravaggio Foundation has been an active player in researching, promoting restoration and further studies, stimulating an open dialogue about Caravaggio’s work. The Foundation has also organised a number of exhibitions and conferences including Caravaggio – Una Mostra Impossibil’ organised between 1st May and 30th June 2004 at the Caraffa Stores on the Vittoriosa Waterfront.

Contact: Caravaggio Foundation – Malta
Claude Calleja