Bursa Metropolitan Municipality

15.09.2008, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Tuesday, September 30 2008
Project: Three Mediterranean BridesBursa Metropolitan Municipality is seeking project partners from Mediterranean countries to join the project entitled Three Mediterranean Brides.

The project focuses on wedding traditions in Mediterranean countries. Its main activities are exhibitions in each of the project partners’ country, discussion panels, concerts and shows related to wedding traditions.

Contact: Ercument Yılmaz, Foreign Relations Officer
Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, EU Coordination Center / Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Acemler Buski Tesisleri B Blok Kat:2 No: 208, Osmangazi – Bursa, Turkey, T: +90 224 235 23 99, F: +90 224 235 34 70, E: ercument.yilmaz@bursa.bel.tr