Building Bridges Cultural Association, Spain

2.04.2021, Cooperation projects (small) / Multimedia and New Technologies
Reply by Thursday, April 15 2021
Building bridges is looking for partners (cultural and arts organisations working broadly with young people, specially those with less opportunities such as migrants, refugees, etc.) with the aim to bring young artists and young cultural managers closer to the ICT sector.

Organization: Building Bridges Cultural Association was founded in 2008 to promote a spirit and community integration and to foster European culture awareness among young people. Building Bridges is present at local level as a tool to assist and support the implementation of non formal education courses on Culture Management, EU Funding and IT tools for cultural managers. We aim also to improve knowledge of European labour system practices in the cultural sector. We organise courses, visits and meetings, European events for public agencies on policies concerning youth, mobility, sports, local economic development, culture and cooperation with EU countries and beyond. We believe that transnational experience could offer young cultural managers the opportunity to grow within a European dimension through their personal and professional skills, so that they could become main actors of the European future. Nowadays, we provide 400 mobility grants to young people.
In 2020, we created an online platform for cultural managers specialised in funding in the cultural sector that already counted with over 600 students.

Project: We want to bring young artists and young cultural managers closer to the ICT sector by creating a Bootcamp (intensive course) where we will include tools for creating a website with WordPress, inbound marketing techniques, cybersecurity, smart working, crowdfunding, copywriting, digital publishing, digital marketing and creativity to create the future cultural manager and ICC entrepreneurs. We also want to create a skills manual for the entrepreneurs in ICCs, aimed at trainers and educators so that they can get the tools and methodologies to promote the participation of young cultural managers and artists in the digital industry. We aim to create 3 Hubs.

For further information, see attachment (pdf).

Contact: Enrique Gallardo, E:, 0034 673 402 139 (T & WhatsApp)
Building Bridges Cultural Association