AUDIT XBRL Cultural and Economical Bt., Hungary

7.02.2020, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Tuesday, March 10 2020
AUDIT XBRL Cultural and Economical Bt. (HU) and Hippo Theatre Group (GR) are looking for organizations dealing with cultural events, conferences or which are engaged in the art of dance, music and audio-visual technology to cooperate on the play „Taxonomy of life”.


Fotis Dousos and Alexandros Raptis in Athens, Greece, founded Hippo Theatre Group in 2009. Its purpose is to create art works (theater, music, visual and art performances) and to explore theater in education(Drama in Education). The company operates in Greece and bestirs to the rest of the World. Hippotheatre Group cooperates with AUDIT XBRL Cultural and Economiacal Bt., Hungary, that is managed by Laszlo Bartok, who is the author of the play called „Taxonomy of life”, which is the subject of the EU call.


Theatrical play called “Taxanomy of life” is a musical play. It attempts to present today’s modern electronic music, traditional gipsy music and folk music in one play (Hungarian, Greek and Western Balkans music together) allowing virtuosic performance in frame of a story with philosophic content and with the help of modern techniques for the audience to follow easily and in an entertaining way.

The story accompanies the life of a man, based on gipsy and folk music, starting from friendship of childhood, in which a gipsy boy and non-gipsy boy make friendship for life. His life is emotionally bipolar as unclouded happiness of childhood and youth are against uncertainty and gloomy old age, making the spectator think whether we live well with the time allowed for us and whether we have enough strength and will to deal with also common problems of mankind and to help others in any form.

Contact: Laszlo Bartok (, T: +36-70-256-3358