Attica Region – Developmental planning directorate

5.10.2012, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Ostalo
Reply by Friday, May 31 2013
Would like to participate as partner in cooperation projeects.

Attica Region (Hellas) is territorially self-governed Public Legal Entity of second degree of self-government. It plans and implements policies at a regional level, within their competence, according to the principles of sustainable development and social cohesion of the State, taking into account the national and European policies. The Attica Region has its headquarters in Athens and consists of 8 Regional Divisions.

At this period “Attica” participates in the following European co-financing projects:

(a) European Territorial Cooperation
– MED 2007 – 2013: 1. SusTEn Mechanism; 2. KnowinG; 3. 2InS Clusters
– SOUTH EAST EUROPE 2007–2013: OrientGate 
(b) Progress 2007-2013: WoMEn Mechanism

As culture concerns, Attica has the “Sports and Culture Directorate” that belongs to the “General Directorate for the Development”. It’s responsibilities –in general- are the promotion and development of culture by providing cultural services, the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, the support of relationships with Greeks abroad organizations, etc…

We are interested in participating as partners into the “Culture programme 2007-2013”, especially under:
Strand 1. 1. Multi annual cooperation project
Strand 1.2.1. Cooperation projects
Strand 1.3.5. Cooperation with third countries

Marilena Ioannidou
Developmental planning directorate
Attica region
++302132065206 & 208
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