Atlas Weekend, Ukraine

16.05.2019, Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Sunday, September 1 2019
Atlas Weekend would like to participate as a partner in a cooperation project dedicated to performing arts. They are interested in partnerships with similar European festivals.


Established in 2015, Atlas Weekend is the largest music festival in Ukraine. Every July, it gives the audience an opportunity to be part of the live journey across various genres of music, so the attendants can not only listen to their favourite artists, but also widen their musical tastes and discover new and interesting musicians. The program includes (but is not limited to): live concerts, DJ sets, an amusement park, evenings of Poetry, master classes, gastronomy etc. More than 200 artists will create a proper music festival atmosphere on 10 stages. The festival is hosted in a spacious and green area within the city limits of Kyiv, accessible by all public transport. An essential part is the secure camping area.

They would like to participate as partners in cooperation projects from the field of performing arts.  In addtion, they are interested in partnerships with similar European festivals.
