Associazione culturale GenerAzione, Italy (EU)

1.09.2017, Cooperation projects / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Sunday, October 15 2017
Cooperation projects / Cultural Heritage, Interdisciplinary Projects, Other Project: ELVES-MAS – European Landscape & Villages to Explore and Spread christMAS Reply by: 2017-10-15


The Cultural Association “Generazione” works on promotion, study and enhancement of cultural and environmental assets, tourism promotion, youth aggregation and all those activities aimed at socio-economic development, particularly in Provincia of Cuneo and in Regione Piemonte. The Association was established for non-profit purposes on June 27, 2007.

More in the appendix.

Project: ELVES-MAS – European Landscape & Villages to Explore and Spread christMAS

The Santa Claus villages in particular locations between culture and nature, tradition and innovation. Cultural diversity defines our continent; be it historical, linguistic, artistic, architectural, or local cuisine, the immense heritage is one of the main appeals of Europe as a tourist destination. What seems to be an obstacle to European unity should be interpreted as a major resource and a drive to a common future. Both material and immaterial heritage is surely a firm basis upon which Europe may build its future. Nevertheless local traditions are sometime seen as remains from an age of superstition, inequality and poverty. In a multicultural environment confrontations are unavoidable, but should be seen as resources other than obstacles. In the ever changing European cultural landscape Christmas celebrations tend to shift from being a religious festival to a commercial event. But, although in a multicultural, multi religious and widely nonreligious society, the value and significance of Christmas celebrations have shifted widely, somehow it has managed never to lose its symbolic of magic and peace. Creative Christmas aims to enhance both the cultural dialogue between different countries and the tourist/economic development potential of such an important celebration. Different approaches to the Christmas theme are compared to foster cultural dialogue and sharing good practices for the development of new communicative models. Each project partner will represent a specific, creative or traditional approach to the Christmas theme.


Francesca La Greca