Association Global Warming, France

9.11.2016, Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, November 23 2016


Created in 1994, Global Warming is a non-profit Association based in Paris whose goal is to promote young artists. Its mission is to create artistic happenings and workshops. The main objective being to create harmonious networks and fusions between different forms of artistic expression; to unite under one roof disciplines such as painting, sculpture, photography, music (from electronic to opera), dance, theatre, film, fashion, Street Art…
Their speciality is to create pluri-disciplinary and multi-cultural exchanges with European and International artists coming from all horizons.
GW leans towards eclecticism with actions of cooperation and trans-mobility supporting good causes. GW has developed a rich experience over the last 20 years having already produced 8 multi-cultural and pluri-disciplinary festivals and organised over 100 events.


A cultural and artistic melting pot.

– Métiss’age Street Festival “Loving my City” explores the theme of European life. The objective of the project is to create artistic interactive, popular, generous, dynamic, federating and humanistic events in Paris, Budapest and a third Capital City in symbolic sites.
– The “Street” via original street paintings becomes the platform of an intercultural dialogue of artistic and human tolerance. The event is organised in collaboration with the EU where a global collective conscience can enrich a European identity. Emotion via the arts plays a vital role in a visionary Europe that is united via juniors of our Era. The youth of today is the power of tomorrow. An event that gathers all ages and walks of life to establish a United Roof for Europe.
– Via a series of pre-production workshops, juniors will brainstorm to explore the themes and exchange together with various artists.
– It will develop and renew the concept turning it into a re-occuring transnational event that will implicate a very large public. It will create a platform where European artists will meet and work together to create a unique piece of art and where people will participate and be active in the artistic creative process.
– The final street paintings will be representative both of the diversity and specificities of Europe. Photos/videos/media will unite the paintings as a linked piece of art symbolic of a United Europe connecting old and new member states. An ephemeral work into another artistic expression that will be presented in exhibitions. Street painting is an efficient activity that can gather a very large amount of people on various selected themes. Street painting is a way of exposing art to everybody in everyday life. Street painting and street arts are a very federative means of expression that can stimulate people to be sensitive to art in a very pedagogic and didactic way.
-The project will create a core connection to global European awareness, integration and sensation through the theme of a new collective European Métiss’age identity (Mixed Races of the Age). The public become the Actors and Artists of the event interacting with everyone to create this monumental piece of collective Cultural Art.



Please find more about the project in the appendix.