17.02.2014, Cooperation projects / Ostalo
Reply by Wednesday, March 5 2014
Project: KOWThe project "KOW" is related to co-working, co-development and artistic stimulation. ARJÉ is looking for partners for featuring their proposal in this first phase now in March (Culture Sub-programme).

Key elements of the project:
Co-working: it creates a space where the potential talent and cultural entrepreneurship can develop your ideas.
Co-development: local endogenous development from a programming developed since the creation of co-working is encouraged.
Experimental: These experiential elements are transferred in the form of training activity and artistic stimulation that can be considered collective future talent / future audience, creating the basis of tomorrow. These are children and adolescents.

More in the appendix >>> Arje.pdf

Contact details:
María Rodríguez, Belén Etxebarría
C/ Eugenia de Montijo 75, Madrid, 28025, Spain
T: +34 91 422 05 60, María (T: +34 618 705 796), Belén (T: +34 609 408 621) 