8.04.2022, Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Monday, April 18 2022
ARCHAEA, non profit association with different multidisciplinary backgrounds such as music, performing arts, video art and cinema, architecture, design, philosophy, etc., is looking for multidisciplinary projects, focused on producing artistic pieces to be performed.

Organization: Artistic collective that aims for innovative ways of expression. Our members come from different multidisciplinary backgrounds such as music, performing arts, video art and cinema, architecture, design, philosophy…
We look forward to synergies with artists all over the planet, always focusing on innovation, authenticity and excellence.

Project proposal: The piece we are developing explores human nature and orbits around the question “Why don’t we understand each other?”. We are really interested in interrogating why, as a human species, we can excel and evolve in some areas, but yet still struggle to comprehend and empathize with one another in very basic ways.
This paradox of human evolution is what we want to explore through a combination of dance, music, and digital art.
Ultimately, we want to unify dance with film, while taking advantage of some state-of-the-art resources offered by technology to create a live experience that is fully immersive.

Further info here (pdf).