Anadolu University and Ministry of National Education of Eskisehir

6.08.2008, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Wednesday, October 1 2008
Project: Phrygia Culture in Europe

This (multi-annual) project aims to introduce the Phrygian culture, which is one of the fundamentals of the European civilization, and to encourage the formation of a European citizenship within a strong cooperation and a strong sharing among the European countries. The project partners will be able to protect the European cultural wealth and transmit it to the future generations and create a common synergy by opening a door to support the formation of a cultural database by developing the intercultural dialogue.

The actors in this project are educators, universities, museums, private sector and unemployed ones in the field of culture. The visual, artistic, cultural, and educational materials to be developed by the end of the project will be made widespread and public with the help of a web site, conferences, seminars, workshops, the construction of Phrygian culture parks, and press and publishing.

Kontakt: Ahmet Tatar, Project Coordinator
Tepebasi / Eskisehir, Turkey; T: 00902222397200 / 370, F: 0090 222 2393922, M: 0090 5055715219, E:, W: