Ama Aquilone Social Cooperative NPO, Italy

24.09.2018, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Saturday, November 10 2018

Ama Aquilone Social Cooperative NPO would like to take part as partner in the next call for proposals for European Cooperation Projects. They would like to include their festival, Ama Festival, within a cultural project on the theme of social inclusion and audience development.

Organisation: Ama Aquilone Social Cooperative NPO

Ama Aquilone Social Cooperative NPO is the result of the union of two associations, “Ama”, founded in 1981, and “L’Aquilone”, founded in 1983, both in San Benedetto del Tronto (AP). These associations were originally animated by the commitment of many volunteers who offered help to homeless people, young people, and families with a drug problem. The Cooperative manages residential structures called “Case” (Houses), in a perspective of reception and integration that, while maintaining its therapeutic specificity, reflects an idea of dignity intimately linked to the “human encounter”, and a series of accommodations for adults in difficulty.

Ama Aquilone carries out projects of social-labour inclusion aimed at unemployed, young people, families and all those people who live the drama of “new poverty”. Ama Aquilone is fully aware that operating for the “common good” also means promoting the sustainable quality of life, and the respect for the environment. On that reasoning, the Cooperative developed, in 2010, a project of organic farming: Ama Terra Eco Care Farm. From the desire to bring together two distinct realities, the Therapeutic Community and the “external world”, in 2014 the Cooperative created Ama Festival.


Ama Festival is a cultural event that takes place every year in July at “Casa Ama”, the biggest Therapeutic Community of Ama Aquilone that created this event promoting meetings, debates, theatrical performances, and concerts. The project is part of a process of cultural growth inside an event of celebration and remembrance. Ama Aquilone has always celebrated the end of the residents’ therapeutic journey with a day of social sharing and exchange for those who complete the treatment program, their families, employees, and the friends of the Cooperative.

Our purpose would be to include our Festival within a cultural project of social inclusion by making available the resources of Ama Aquilone. In this perspective, the next call for proposal for European Cooperation Projects would be a great opportunity for us, as partner, to promote matters relating to social inclusion.
