
21.02.2014, Cooperation projects / Ostalo
Reply by Wednesday, March 19 2014
AlhóndigaBilbao is looking for partners to cooperate in projects under calls (1) “Cooperation Project” (EAC/S16/2013; deadline: 5th March 2014), (2) “European networks” (EAC/S18/2013; deadline: 19th march 2014), (3) “European platforms” (EAC/S17/2013; deadline: 19th March 2014).

AlhóndigaBilbao is looking for partners to cooperate in projects as partner under the Programme Creative Europe, aiming to promote cooperation in the field of art and culture, and to promote cultural cooperation and mobility between cultural institutions. Innovation and creativity, culture in innovative ways, enlarged audiences and improve access to cultural and creative works are also topics that AlhóndigaBilbao is interested to work with European partners.

More in the appendix >>> AlhondigaBilbao.pdf

Contact details:
Barbara Epalza (e: