Acesso Cultura, Portugal

14.02.2018, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Saturday, September 1 2018

Acesso Cultura is a non-profit organization, which aims to promote the improvement of access – namely physical, social and intellectual – to cultural venues and the cultural offer, in Portugal and abroad. They are open to start a conversation with potential partner organisations in order to build a project related to access – physical, social and intellectual – to cultural venues and the cultural offer.

Organization: Acesso Cultura / Access Culture

Acesso Cultura is a not-for-profit association that aims to promote the improvement of access – namely physical, social and intellectual – to cultural venues and the cultural offer, in Portugal and abroad.
Their main objectives are:
* to place the issues related to access – physical, social and intellectual – in the centre of the reflection and practice of the cultural sector
* to contribute towards the technical preparation of culture professionals in what concerns access, promoting change on the ground
* to promote dialogue and reflection regarding access in public fora
* to publicly intervene whenever people´s right of access to culture is not respected.

Check out what has been done since they started in 2013. More info their website: (PT) or (EN)

Contact: Maria Vlachou (Executive Director)
E:, T: + 351 917 510 659