Accent Productions

25.09.2008, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Friday, October 31 2008
Poject: Sheakespeare the EuropeanAccent Productions is developing an innovative project to promote intercultural dialogue as a means of helping Europeans to acquire the knowledge, qualifications and aptitudes to enable them to deal with a more open yet complex environment.

Accent Productions is constructing a visionary project to illustrate issues of diversity in Europe, a project that will consider, in an innovative way, what it is to be European. By involving at least one artist (i.e. actors, designers, musicians, and technicians) from each of the 27 European member states, the aim will be to further dialogue and cultural understanding through the presentation of a major cooperative piece of theatre. Following performances of the play in Brussels, the plan is to tour the show in as many European cities as possible.

There are not many playwrights who have produced epic plays which lend themselves to such an objective and who, at the same time, present the degree of universality required for this exercise; universality defined by worldwide popularity but also by another common denominator: the language through which they have expressed their genius.

William Shakespeare fulfils these requirements and Accent Productions is working on the development of one of his masterpieces to reflect this approach. The final choice of play is still pending but will be chosen from among the Bard’s comedies.

The first performances of the play are tentatively scheduled in the 4th quarter of 2009 in a major venue in Brussels.

Accent Productions, Brussels, Belgium, E:,, W: