AC Gampati (IT)

14.09.2012, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Friday, May 31 2013
Fabula (cooperation project)Fabula is a travelling show performed in a traditional yurta tent every night. The show involves pantomime, puppet theatre and ventriloquia without a specific national language, but only with onomatopoeic sounds and facial expressions. The story, written using the framework of Propp, is intended for all audiences beyond all barriers of national language.

Coordinator: GAMPATI AC, Rome
Non-profit association that deals with the production and distribution of theater, puppet theater and pantomime. Great attention is paid to the folk traditions and video documentation of performances and happenings. Andrea Marfori, manager coordinator, was project leader on previous projects funded by the EACEA.

Partner search:
We are looking for partners that deal with the logistical organization of the places where the show will take place and an actor / actress to introduce and present the show to the public in the local language.

Gampati AC, Rome (IT)
Mr. Andrea Marfori