Aarhaus University (Authors in Aarhaus), Denmark

13.05.2016, Cooperation projects / Books and Reading / Literary Translation
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2016


Authors in Aarhus is a series of in-depth talks with internationally acclaimed fiction writers from all over the world.
The scene is the result of a close collaboration between Aarhus University and Public Libraries of Aarhus Kommune, which intends to put academic knowledge in dialog with the broad readership of the library.
Authors in Aarhus aims to constantly stress the essential function translated literature has in understanding a foreign culture—but also ourselves as human beings.
By meeting and experiencing internationally acclaimed authors, the talks give the Danish public, and particularly the people of Jutland, exceptional insight into various artistic forms, as well as debates and societal questions going on beyond their borders.
All events take place at Dokk1; the wonderful new culture house of Aarhus.

W: http://authorsinaarhus.dk/

Contact: Katrine Solvang Larsen
Langelandsgade 141
Bygning 1580, lokale 336
Aarhus C 8000, Denmark
E: dacksl@dac.au.dk
T: +45 87162797, M: 40873919


Audience development: SILO Live.

SILO stands for “Socially Inclusive Literature Operation”. Through the implementation of a range of activities destined for participants who would not be considered as a primary audience, the project will develop a citizen-oriented model of literary participation, which combines
1) the creation of socially inclusive literary events aimed at three vulnerable or less privileged groups (immigrants, hospital patients and young adults) with
2) the opportunity of including these groups in activities of everyday creativity (e.g. creative writing) or shared reading.
This will be done by inviting these three target groups to literary events with invited international authors at key cultural institutions in their surroundings (e.g. libraries), but also by moving these events to relevant institutions like local cultural centers, hospitals and schools. Participating in staged events will be supplemented by opportunities to actively participate in the cultural production of literary texts or literary readings through shared reading sessions led by or focused on the very same authors.
SILO Live intends literature to raise discussion, give inspiration, and it for it to spur creation. The project will constantly stress the essential function translated literature has in understanding a foreign culture—but also ourselves as human beings, and will also address the pressing need for an intercultural understanding in the context of the challenges European society faces at present.

Please find more about the project in the appendix.