Association of Cultural Heritage Education in Finland

8.09.2017, Cooperation projects (small) / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Monday, October 16 2017

Organisation: Association of Cultural Heritage Education in Finland

The Association of Cultural Heritage Education in Finland is the only (nationwide) NGO in Finland working actively on the field of heritage education. They work with intangible and tangible heritage as well as cultural landscapes and world heritage. They emphasize heritage as a valuable source for knowledge and future skills as well as for the wellbeing of young people and sustainable development of societies. Their mission is to foster cultural skills and the cultural rights and support the identity formation and active participation of children and youth in the heritage process. They take actively part in the policy making on culture, youth and educational sectors and manage several projects. They develop tools, produce material and organize training for the professionals. Their national network consists of Ministry of Educational and Culture, Ministry of Environment, National Agency of Education, National Board of Antiquities, museums, archives, day care centers, schools, different organizations and experts. Our European level networks include the European Heritage Days -network and Europa Nostra. Finland is also currently a member of the World Heritage Committee.

The Association of Cultural Heritage Education in Finland is looking for potential partners in all eligible countries for European Cooperation Projects 2018 / EYCH.   Ideally these would be cultural organizations that already work with schools plus organisations that can carry out a research and evaluation of the method proposed. Contacts preferably by mid-October.

More about the organization here.

Project “HERITAGE HUBS: Practical Classes in Exploring, Sharing and Practicing the Cultures of Ourselves and Others”

The proposed project would create opportunities for school children in a number of European countries to themselves select parts of their cultures (e.g. celebrations, daily routines and habits, handicrafts, cooking and other skills) for sharing with each other.
The proposed project includes a pedagogical study that would empirically analyse the project pupils’ cultural exchange, especially the processes of sharing our own culture, of relating to the cultures of others as well as of ex-periencing our own culture through others.
As a final outcome, the project focuses on the development of and dissemi-nation of powerful and ready at hand tools and methods for educational pro-fessionals and schools throughout Europe to enable integration of heritage, culture and intercultural dialogue and learning in everyday work.

More about the proposal in the appendix.
