Euskal Herriko Ahotsak

20.03.2014, Cooperation projects / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Wednesday, October 1 2014
Project: "Euskal Herriko Ahotsak" programmeThe aim of the "Euskal Herriko Ahotsak" programme (Voices from the Basque Country) – project – is to compile and disseminate Basque oral and dialect cultural heritage. It thereby claims to fight the eminent collapse of oral transmission witnessed over the last few generations and create a public archive for 20th century Basque oral heritage.


20.03.2014, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 1 2014
We’re looking for European partners interested to cooperate in the field of art and culture with a focus on contemporary art, education, performing art and music. Through international exchange and cooperation the projects will contribute to create a more equal and interesting art scene in Europe.