Town Hall of Almeirim

13.02.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) /
Reply by Wednesday, February 28 2007
Project: THE (nambiquara) INDIAN IN THE WORLDGeneral aim of the project is a presentation of the history and culture of the Nambiquara Indians of Brazil, namely the social and political aspects of their community.


13.02.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Wednesday, February 28 2007
Projekt: OLD FORTRESS SYSTEMThe project Old Fortress System accomplishes a permanent network of partnership in the Communitarian area and in particular in the Area of Proximity in order to preserve, to enhance and to return to the dismissed military areas a new utilization for civil purposes with economic, social and didactical goals.

History and Preservation of the Architectural and Environmental Heritage

13.02.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) /
Reply by Wednesday, February 28 2007
Project: PÉTROS. Lithic languages and cultures: Research, documentation, exchanges, exploitation.The project consists in a programme of activities aimed to research, documentation, exchanges and exploitation of the cultural expressions of stone, in sites where the material has continuously represented the absolute protagonist of the landscape and the common denominator of the civilizations that have followed one upon the other.

Sklop 1.2.1 2007

Culture (2007-2013) 
Wednesday, February 28 2007 closed