Regione Abruzzo

17.10.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Wednesday, October 31 2007
Project: Fresco paintingProject idea is setting up a European fresco painting laboratory, cooperating with academies, European schools of art and cultural associations for a stable teaching of the fresco techniques.

The Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań

15.10.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Visual Arts
Reply by Wednesday, October 31 2007
Project: Art in Urban Planning and in Discussion. An Exhibition and a Debate of the Artists and Scientists Cooperation Forum.The Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań is searching for a co-organizer to participate in a cultural project including artists’ exchange, organization of common exhibition and organization of theoretical debate related to art in urban planning.

Versus aureus Publishing house

4.10.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Wednesday, October 31 2007
Project: Wooden Europe: yesterday, today, tomorrowVersus aureus Publishing house from Lithuania, is looking for partners to participate in the project Wooden Europe: yesterday, today, tomorrow. They would like to invite publishers and other organizations to participate.