One project of the School of Arts – University of Nova Gorica has been selected to receive EU funding, in response to the Modules for Master Degrees in Arts and Science (Connect/2017/3346110), which had been launched by the European Commission in 2017. This is even more impressive as only four projects have been selected for this call.
The project MAST: Master Module in Art, Science and Technology “will develop an applied study module at the intersections of ART, SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, combining methodologies and practices that will intertwine the academic sphere closely with the industry realms of the Culture and Creative Sectors.” (Source: the University of Nova Gorica). The project partners include Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (PT), Technical University Graz, Institute of Spatial Design (AT), Kersnikova (SI), Kitchen Budapest (HU), Culture Action Europe (BE) and Croatian Cultural Alliance / Unicult programme (HR).
The results were announced by the Commission on May 15th 2018. The following projects were selected:
Coordinator: Maynooth University (IE)
Name of the project: IGNITE: Design Thinking & Making in the Arts & Science
EU support: 399.294 EUR
Coordinator: School of Arts – University of Nova Gorica (SI)
Name of the project: Master Module in Art, Science and Technology (MAST)
EU support: 431.603 EUR
Coordinator: Birmingham City University (UK)
Name of the project: Student Open Innovation Lab (SOIL)
EU support: 201.818 EUR
Coordinator: Politecnico Milano (IT)
Name of the project: DigiMooD for CCI _ Digital Modules of Didactic for CCI
EU support: 400.000 EUR