Helping you get one step further

Invited panellists at the conference titled “Mobility for Creativity” shared different levels of information providers and consulting and advising. The conference organised by Motovila in Ljubljana on 4–5 April 2019, explored the benefits and challenges of international mobility in the cultural and creative sector, especially putting mobility’s environmental impact to the test.

Face-to-face encounters are still the best way of understanding other cultures

Invited panellists at the conference titled “Mobility for Creativity” discussed their funding schemes and agendas behind supporting international mobility in the CSS. The conference organised by Motovila in Ljubljana on 4–5 April 2019, explored the benefits and challenges of international mobility in the cultural and creative sector (CCS), especially putting mobility’s environmental impact to the test.

Mobility is about results

Barbara Koželj Podlogar, cultural attaché and head of SKICA shared findings of the EU working group on mobility support. The conference titled “Mobility for Creativity” organised by Motovila in Ljubljana on 4–5 April 2019, explored the benefits and challenges of international mobility in the cultural and creative sector (CCS), especially putting mobility’s environmental impact to the test.

In year 5 of Creative Europe, Slovenia nears 5 million EUR

In 2018, the Slovenian cultural and creative sectors again performed exceptionally well in the Creative Europe programme (2014–2020). In the fifth year of the EU programme implementation, Slovenian organisations from fields of culture, film and other creative sectors have exceeded the record values achieved in previous years: this year, Slovenian coordinators of Culture and MEDIA projects have been granted almost 5 million euros of EU support.

REPORT on how we connected Ukrainian and Slovenian cultural operators

During the weeklong study visit to Slovenia, 10 representatives of the cultural sector from Ukraine got to know more than 40 Slovenian organisations and visited more than 20 cultural spaces or venues. In addition to residing in the capital city, the guests were also introduced to the cultural scene in the eastern part of Slovenia (Maribor).

Government bodies are also innovating their funding and financing models

At the “Beyond the Cultural Model” conference (Oct. 16, 2018) Edgar Garcia Casellas from the Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies (ICEC) told how the public Catalan model for CCSs has been reshaped to create a unique support and financing system that helps both non-profit organisations and for-profit companies in the creative sector to realise projects successfully.

Delivering your vision brilliantly

At the “Beyond the Cultural Model” conference (Oct. 16, 2018) Julie Aldridge (UK) spoke on how organisations in the CCSs might innovate their business models as a way to better deliver their visions brilliantly.

Everyone talks about the need for resiliency, but how to achieve it?

The road to resilience is paved with desirable, viable and feasible innovative approaches that help you achieve your visionary impact! Jana Renée Wilcoxen reports from the “Beyond the Cultural Model” conference (Oct. 16, 2018). Organised by Motovila Institute (CED Slovenia) within the Centre for Creativity platform, a programme run by the Museum of Architecture and Design, and in the frame of the Beyond Horizons study visit from Ukraine.

10 tips for enhancing your writing and storytelling skills

On Wednesday 17 October 2018, Motovila in cooperation with the Centre for Creativity (Museum of Architecture and Design) held a seminar on innovative communication approaches in cultural and creative sectors. Participants included representatives of various cultural organisations from Slovenia and Ukraine.