Seminar on Innovative Communication Approaches in Cultural and Creative Sectors

Creating a convincing and innovative communication strategy for a creative project, especially when it is shaped in cooperation with partners from abroad and for an international audience, is a demanding task – the environment dominated by an information overdose has never been so competitive in struggling for public attention.
Center za kreativnost, Projektna pisarna Maribor [Show mapHide map]
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José Rodríguez is Communications Director at Trans Europe Halles (TEH) and responsible for marketing communications of the EU-funded research project Creative Lenses, aiming at making arts and cultural organisations more resilient and sustainable by improving their business models and developing their innovation capacities.

Jana Renée Wilcoxen, a content/copywriter, translator and language editor, will help us understand how various practical approaches can improve our storytelling skills and why the creative process of storytelling is crucial for a wide range of activities: from creating computer games or contemporary dance and theatre performances, editing web portals and writing for social media, to developing fundraising for international cultural and artistic projects.

Registration at full capacity. More info: ines.kezman(at)
Seminar attendance is free of charge. However, registration is required due to the number of slots eligible, and also to facilitate the organisation and help the lecturers prepare.


The seminar is organized by Motovila in cooperation with the Centre for Creativity, a programme run by the Museum of Architecture and Design. The project is implemented within the Centre for Creativity platform and supported by the EU from the European Regional Development Fund, and the Republic of Slovenia. The event is part of the study visit “Beyond horizons; In Focus: Ukraine”, which is being implemented by Motovila within the Culture Bridges programme.
The organiser reserves the right to change the programme.