Power of Documentary Cinema and Human Rights and MEDIA success stories

Motovila Institute (CED Slovenia) organizes a two-day seminar in cooperation with Creative Europe Desk Hungary, Cankarjev dom, Amnesty International Slovenia and with the support of the Balassi Institute. The programme is focusing on production and promotion of Hungarian documentary films with human rights topics. Moreover, head of Creative Europe Desk Hungary will present the experience of Hungarian producers in the MEDIA sub-programme as well as opportunities for Hungarian-Slovene co-productions.
Cankarjev dom
Booking closed

The seminar is intended for experts and professionals from AV sector and other interested audience.


– DAY I: Thu., 14. March, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
2pm, Kosovel hall: Closed screening of the film A Woman Captured (89′).
4pm, Lili Novy Club: Case study A Woman Captured and Hungarian participation in MEDIA sub-programme.

Juliana Ugrin is a producer of MEDIA supported film A Woman Captured and CEO of Éclipse Film. She will present the process of making of the film A Woman Captured and the experience of Éclipse Film at participating in Creative Europe programme. She has more than ten years of experience in the film making. Films produced by her were screened, nominated and awarded at festivals like Sundance, IDFA, Locarno, DOK Leipzig, Hot Docs, Sheffield or Sarajevo IFF. Since 2013, she teaches at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Documentary MA studies and is a doctoral student there. She is EURODOC and an EAVE graduate.
After a case study, Ádám Paszternák from the Creative Europe Desk Hungary will present the co-production opportunities and Hungarian MEDIA successes stories.

– DAY II: Fri., 15. March, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
4pm, Lili Novy Club: Documentaries on Human Rights: Storytelling Modes and Festival Programming Strategies

Oksana Sarkisova is Director of Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Budapest, and a jury member of 21th Ljubljana Documentary Film Festival. The presentation will analyse a range of creative documentaries addressing important human rights issues to discuss their modes of production, strategies of circulation and distribution, as well as various options of festival programming to enhance the films’ impact. The case study of Verzio IHRDFF will be in the focus along with the survey of documentaries with strong outreach campaigns. The talk will also address questions of developing visual literacy through educational programs for different festival audiences – from high school and university students to a broad community outreach.

All sessions will be held in English.

Seminar attendance is free of charge. Please register by Tuesday 12 March 2019 to the e-mail: info(at)ced-slovenia.eu.

The seminar is taking place within the framework of 21st Ljubljana Documentary Film Festival and is organized by Motovila Institute (CED Slovenia) in cooperation with Creative Europe Desk Hungary, Cankarjev dom, Amnesty International Slovenia and with the support of the Balassi Institute.