Mobility for Creativity

CED Events
The aim of the two-day event organised in Ljubljana is to explore the benefits and challenges of international mobility, including its environmental impact. Relevant guest speakers from Slovenia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Portugal, the Netherlands, Croatia, Austria and Slovenia will present established and new opportunities and support systems implemented at the level of the city, region or country, both within and beyond the EU, or for a specific cultural or creative sector.
Hotel Slon, Slovenska cesta 34, Ljubljana
Booking closed

Motovila institute in cooperation with partners from Ireland, Czech Republic, Portugal, the Netherlands, Croatia, Austria and Slovenia, is organizing a two-day conference on mobility in Ljubljana, 4–5 April 2019.

Mobility has always been the backbone of international cooperation that enables artists and cultural professionals to build their professional careers as well as explore and learn about different cultural ecosystems. Moreover, mobility is increasingly relevant within the EU culture polices, including the agenda of the post 2020 EU programme for culture. Still, not every country has a well-developed mobility schemes and support system, Slovenia being among them.

The two-day event MOBILITY FOR CREATIVITY will host experts from Slovenia and abroad sharing their insight into various aspects of international mobility. Different formats of sessions will include:
– short presentations of well-established and new opportunities as well as support systems existing at the level of the city, region or country, both within and outside the EU, or for a specific cultural or creative sector;
moderated discussions revealing complementary or opposite views on the advantages and challenges of international mobility, including its environmental impact;
Who is Who sessions devoted to conference participants who wish to know more about various programs, mechanisms, contact points, services and other opportunities promoting mobility through funding or information support.

On the first day of the conference we will discuss how international mobility is supported at the systemic level, e.g. through various programs that co-finance mobility or at technical level with information and consultancy provision. On the second day, the focus of discussions will be on mobility in practice, including its environmental impacts.

Lučka Kajfež Bogataj (climatologist), Barbara Koželj Podlogar (cultural attaché / head of SKICA) and Danilo Milovanović (visual artist) will deliver keynote speeches – from a perspective of a climatologist and a pioneer in researching the impact of climate change in Slovenia, a cultural institute promoting international cooperation in arts and culture as well as an individual artist experienced in crossing borders. In addition, Pedro Velázquez (Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission – DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture) will give the European Commission’s prospects of culture mobility in Creative Europe 2021 and beyond.

Conference program
Who will be there?

More info: info(at)

The event is organized by the Motovila Institute in cooperation with Arts and Theatre Institute / CED CZ, DutchCulture / CED NL, Centro de Informacão Europa Criativa / CED PT, CED Ireland – MEDIA Office Dublin, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia / CED HR, Federal Chancellery of Austria, Arts and Culture / CED AT, SCCA–Ljubljana and CMEPIUS.